Checklist For School Pages
Whether you are a newly established school or returning to a printed planner after a hiatus, this comprehensive checklist is designed to help you consider the pages you may want to include. For visual inspiration and school-specific examples, check out the links to our Pinterest page provided.
Please note:
To avoid duplication, the MyDiary Study Section may include the following:
Absentee, late arrival, early finish, student movement log, term planner (Current and following year calendar)
Did you know you can save thousands of $$$ by combining your Junior and Senior Diaries into a single diary?
Our design experts can assist you easily distinguish between upper and lower school policy pages using:​
A tab card insert
A faux tab on the side of the page
Colour coding of the pages
This approach offers several benefits:
Saves money
Less proofing, as you only need to check one diary
Easier reorders, as you only need to order one set of diary overs instead of two.